
Friday, May 31, 2019

Battle Report: Airfield Ambush 4

This was our second game of the month and I didn't feel like breaking down the Airfield and setting up a new setting.

Stevenik (4 Frames & 16 Systems) = (7 Points per Asset) * (6 assets) = 42 points.
   Beige Artillerist -- 2Ra+d8/2B/2W + SSR.
   Green Watchtower -- 2B/1Gd8/2Y/2W + SSR.
   Blue Tank -- 2Rd+d8/2B/2W + SSR.
   Orange -- 2Rd/2Ra/2B/2W.

Occam's Spork (5 Frames & 20 Systems) = (5 Points per Asset) * (7 assets) = 35 points.
   Blue Spotting Bodyguard -- 2Rd/2Rh/1B/1Y/2W + SSR.
   Red Spotting Bodyguard -- 2Rd/2Rh/1B/1Y/2W + SSR.
   Green Spotting Bodyguard -- 2Rd/2Rh/1B/1Y/2W + SSR.
   Orange Recon by Fire -- 2Ra/2Y/2W.
   White -- 2Rh+d8/2G+d8/2W.

Narbey (5 Frames & 20 Systems) = (5 Points per Asset) * (7 assets) = 35 points.  (Skitterers)
   Yellow Recon by Fire -- 2Ra+d8/2Y/2W.
   Green Brawler -- 2Rh+d8/2B/2W.
   Red Soldier -- 2Rh/1B/1G/1Y/2W +SSR.
   White Soldier -- 2Rh/1B/1G/1Y/2W +SSR.
   Orange Soldier -- 2Rh/1B/1G/1Y/2W +SSR.

Me (6 Frames & 24 Systems) = (3 Points per Asset) * (8 assets) = 24 points. (Invictus)
   Purple Soldier -- 2Rd/1B/1G/1Y/2W.
   Orange Soldier -- 2Rd/1B/1G/1Y/2W + SSR.
   Green Delegator -- 2Ra/1B/2Y/2W.
   Yellow Delegator -- 2Ra/1B/2Y/2W.
   Blue Brawler -- 2Rh+d8/2B/1Gd8/2W + SSR.
   Red Brawler -- 2Rh+d8/2B/1Gd8/2W + SSR.

This is what the table looked like at the start of the game.

Events of Turn 1 (DDC @ 11): My Red frame takes a few steps forward and hits Stevenik's Blue frame for 1 with a SSR.  Steve's Blue frame blasts the cargo plane's wing for 3 and Narbey's Red frame takes 2 Falling damage.  My Blue frame leapfrogs past my Red frame and hits Stevenik's Blue frame for 2 with a SSR.  Narbey's Orange frame jumps down off the building and hits the gas tank for 2, which causes Occam's Spork's White frame to take 1 Falling damage.  My Orange frame takes cover behind the munitions building and hits Stevenik's Blue frame for 1 with a SSR.  My Purple frame moves closer to the nose of the cargo plane and hits Stevenik's Blue frame for 2, destroying it.  Stevenik's Green frame hits Occam's Spork's White frame for 2 with a SSR.  Stevenik's Beige frame destroys a radar tower with 1 damage and hammers Narbey's Yellow frame for 4.  In response, Narbey's Yellow frame destroys the munitions building with 1 damage and blasts Stevenik's Beige frame for 3.  Occam's Spork's Orange frame hits Stevenik's Beige for 2, Station Dance.  Occam's Spork's Red frame takes a step forward and blasts Steveniks' Green frame for 3, Station Dance.  Narbey's Red frame takes cover behind Occam's Spork's Blue frame and hits Occam's Spork's White frame for 2.  My Green frame hits Narbey's Yellow frame for 2, Station Dance.

35 points.
Occam's Spork: 35 points.
Narbey: 35 points.
Me: 24 points.

Events of Turn 2 (DDC @ 9): Occam's Spork's Green frame moves closer to the windsock tower and hits Stevenik's Green frame for 1.  Occam's Spork's Red frame moves away from the fighter and hits Stevenik's Beige frame for 1, Station Dance.  Stevenik's Orange frame takes a few steps and captures one of Narbey's stations.  My Orange frame moves into contact range and saws Stevenik's Beige frame for 1.  Narbey's White frame moves into the shadow of the building and blasts Stevenik's Orange frame for 3, Station Dance.  Narbey's Green frame surges forward and claws Stevenik's Orange frame for 1.  My Purple frame moves past the cargo plane and hits Occam's Spork's Blue frame for 2.  My Yellow frame hits Occam's Spork's Blue frame for 1.  Occam's Spork's Orange frame hammers my Orange frame for 4, destroying it.

Stevenik: 42 points.
Occam's Spork: 35 points.
Narbey: 30 points.
Me: 21 points.

Events of Turn 3 (DDC @ 5): Stevenik's Beige frame hits Occam's Spork's Blue frame for 2 with a SSR.  Occam's Spork's Green frame claws Stevenik's Green frame for 1.  My Green frame blasts Occam's Spork's Red frame for 3.  My Purple frame keeps moving down the runway and  hammers Occam's Spork's Blue frame for 4, destroying it.  My Red frame jumps over and saws Occam's Spork's Red frame for 2.

Stevenik: 42 points.
Occam's Spork: 30 points.
Narbey: 30 points.
Me: 24 points.

Events of Turn 4 (DDC @ 2): Stevenik's Green frame kicks Occam's Spork's White frame for 3, destroying it.  Occam's Spork's Red frame hits Stevenik's Green frame for 1.  Occam's Spork's Green frame blasts Stevenik's Green frame for 3, destroying it, then seizes Stevenik's station.  My Green frame hits Occam's Spork's Red frame for 2, destroying it.  Narbey's Orange frame hits Stevenik's Orange frame for 1.  Narbey's Green frame claws Stevenik's Orange frame for 5, destroying it, then reclaims both his stations.  My Blue frame hits Stevenik's Beige frame for 1.  My Red frame hits hits Stevenik's Beige frame for 5, destroying it, then runs over to Stevenik's other station.  My Blue frame captures Stevenik's station.  My Purple frame hits Occam's Spork's Green frame for 2.  My Yellow frame hits Occam's Spork's Green frame for 2.  The Doomsday Clock is ticked to zero.

Narbey: 30 points.
Occam's Spork: 25 points.
Me: 24 points.
Stevenik: 0 points.

Here are several aftermath pictures.

Thoughts & Observations:
  • This was my second game this month.
  • This is only the second time someone has been completely eliminated from a game.
  • There was a lot of Station Dancing in this game.
  • I spent my last two activations running averages in my head trying to see if I could win the game.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Random Mechs 23

Feeling a little lazy this week, so here's a picture post.

D4K4 (version 2) by Gogglez.  I like the torso on this one.

Battle Bot Bob by ama77what.  This is all sorts of awesome.

Zap! by brickbert.  This reminds me of the Kolossus by Ybliss.

transformable mech should get everyone salivating.

Heavy Support Frame by Wiseman Lego.  Beefy!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Battle Report: Airfield Ambush 3

Since this table-setting hasn't been used in almost two years I decided to break it out again.  Technically this is the fourth use of this setting but the last one has the "Paper Asylum" tag.

Me (4 Frames & 16 Systems) = (7 Points per Asset) * (6 assets) = 42 points. (Invictus)
   Red Soldier -- 2Rd/1B/1G/1Y/2W + SSR.
   Blue Soldier -- 2Rd/1B/1G/1Y/2W + SSR.
Soldier -- 2Rd/1B/1G/1Y/2W + SSR.
   Yellow Squad Leader -- 2Rd/1B/2Y/2W.

PJ_Nichts (5 Frames & 19 Systems) = (4 Points per Asset) * (7 assets) = 28 points. (mechs)
   Blue Soldier -- 2Rd/1B/1G/1Y/2W.
   Purple Soldier -- 2Rd/1B/1G/1Y/2W.
   Grey Warrior -- 2Rh/1B/1G+d8/1Y/2W.
   Yellow Light Recon by Fire -- 2Ra/2Y/2W.
   Red Fast Brawler -- 2Rh+d8/1B/1G+d8/2W + SSR(x3).

Tom (5 Frames & 20 Systems) = (3 Points per Asset) * (7 assets) = 21 points.
   Grey Armored Swarmer -- 2Rh/2B/1Y + SSR.
   Green Armored Swarmer -- 2Rh/2B/1Y + SSR.
   Yellow Armored Swarmer -- 2Rh/2B/1Y.
   White Armored Swarmer -- 2Rh/2B/1Y + SSR.
   Blue Recon by Fire -- 2Ra+d8/2Y/2W.

This is what the table looked like at the start of the game.

Events of Turn 1 (DDC @ 11): I seize both of PJ Nicht's stations before the game starts.  PJ Nicht's Grey frame hits my Green frame for 1.  PJ Nicht's Blue frame moves out of cover and hits my Yellow Frame for 2, Station Dance.  PJ Nicht's Purple frame moves out from behind the building and captures his Station.  Tom's Grey frame moves towards the cargo plane and hits my Blue frame for 2.  PJ Nicht's Red frame moves on top of the building and hits my Green frame for 2 with a SSR.  My Red frame moves from behind a fighter plane towards the fuel tank and hits PJ Nicht's Grey frame for 1.

Me: 49 points.
PJ_Nichts: 24 points.
Tom: 21 points.

Events of Turn 2 (DDC @ 8): PJ Nicht's Red frame hits Tom's Yellow frame for 1 and the cargo plane for 1 with a SSR, then leaps on top of the cargo plane and seizes my Green station.  [This is where the Roof Rule was used.]  Tom's White frame hits PJ Nicht's Red frame for 1 and his own Yellow frame for 1 with a SSR.  My Red frame hits PJ Nicht's Blue frame for 3 and the building it was standing on for 1, then his Frame takes 1 damage from falling.  PJ Nicht's Grey frame moves forward and slices my Red frame for 5, Station Dance, then he captures his Station back.  PJ Nicht's Purple frame hits Tom's White frame for 1 and the cargo plane for 1.  My Yellow frame hits PJ Nicht's Grey frame for 1, it does the Station Dance, then my Yellow frames moves forward and seizes the Station.  My Blue frame moves towards PJ Nicht's Station, hits PJ Nicht's Red frame for 1 and the cargo plane it was standing on for 1, then his Frame takes 1 damage from falling.

Me: 42 points.
PJ_Nichts: 28 points.
Tom: 21 points.

Events of Turn 3 (DDC @ 5): Tom's Blue frame hits PJ Nicht's Purple frame for 1.  PJ Nicht's Red frame runs over and hits my Blue frame for 4, destroying it.  Tom's Yellow frame captures my Green station that was under PJ Nicht's control.  PJ Nicht's Blue frame hits my Red frame for 2, Station Dance.  PJ Nicht's Grey frame hits my Yellow frame for 3, it does the Station Dance, and he captures his Station back.

PJ_Nichts: 28 points.
Tom: 27 points.
Me: 21 points.

{ Apparently I forgot to take pictures of this turn. }

Events of Turn 4 (DDC @ 2):  Tom's White frame moves away from the remains of the cargo plane and  buzzsaws PJ Nicht's Grey frame for 1.  Tom's Blue frame hits PJ Nicht's Grey frame for 3.  Tom's Yellow frame buzzsaws PJ Nicht's Grey frame for 2, destroying it.  My Yellow frame hits PJ Nicht's Blue frame for 1.  PJ Nicht's Purple frame hits the cargo plane for 2 and Tom's Grey frame then takes 1 damage from falling.  The Doomsday clock is ticked to zero.

Tom: 30 points.
Me: 21 points.
PJ_Nichts: 20 points.

Here are several aftermath pictures.
Turn 2
Turn 1

Thoughts & Observations:
  • We used the Roof Rule!
  • We had two separate incidents of Falling damage.
  • The cargo plane got wrecked.
  • PJ Nicht's Stations were pretty impressive.
  • As were his Frames.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Review: 71257 Dimensions Fantastic Beasts Fun Pack

I picked this up when TRU was going through its death throes.  I'm not sure what price I paid for it.

Box.  MSRP was $11.99 for a $0.24 Price per Piece.



Parts 1.  Padlocks, Clip Plates, Wedge Plates, Tooth Plates, Bars, Hinges, Round Plates, Technic Pins, Bar Holders, Barbs, Jumpers, Slopes, Plate, and Axle Plate.

Parts 2.  Dimensions Bases, Wedge Plates, Mudguards, Plate, and Round Brick.

Build.  A kinda flimsy IO Frigate.

The Questions:
Can you build something -- a frame, station, or starship -- right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio?  Above.  (-10)  (The Golden Ratio is $0.10 per part.)
If you can't build a frame right away, or choose not to, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts?  Yes.  (+5)
Score: +5 (B+).  Decent score, but not really worth it unless you're desperate for Padlocks.