I disassembled all the things I built for the reviews -- besides the Robot -- and dumped out the parts to see what I could build instead of the oversized mecha. This is what I came up with.
Two Frames, Two Stations, and a Battle Car. I also have an idea for a Frame I'm already calling a "Ghost Spider".
I also made some modifications to the Robot build and turned it into a Soldier loadout with color coded Attachments.
I'll probably assemble a squad of these at some point, after I refine the Attachments a bit.
What I Think are the Useful Parts from each Set:
Boat -- Taps, Clip Plate, Bar Brick, Bricks w/Stud on 1 Side.
Helicopter -- Ball Joint Plates.
Ambulance -- Mudguard Plate, Brackets.
Plane -- Bricks w/Studs on 2 Sides.
Crane -- Ball Joint Plates, Lampholders, Clip Tile.
Police Car -- Ball Joint Plates, Bracket.
Fire Truck -- Mudguard Plate, Bricks w/Studs on 2 Sides.