
Friday, December 20, 2013

Non-Human 7

Alright, let's finish out the week strong.

Rakun,Thupt of the high lands by LK21LK.  Someone has a lot of lime green cheese slopes!

M.O.T.H. by rope fish.  It might be slightly large -- the main wings are 6x6 -- but it looks awesome.

Tesla Fly by Johann Dakitsch.  It's mostly Hero Factory pieces but, from the looks of it, still manages to stay in scale for MFZ.

IMG_9997 by Simmon Kim.  A really stompy Police bot.

Sleeth, Thrupt of the snowy lands of Urken by LK21LK.  To bring it back to where we started, another delightfully expressive creation from LK21LK.

There we go.  Another batch of interesting non-human mech builds.  Enjoy your weekend and I'll catch you on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. that moth one took me forever to get right, i didn't really want to use those 6x6 angle pieces but they were the only ones that "fit" :P
