
Monday, March 9, 2015

PAX East 2015 Report

I'm back from PAX East.  Only a semi-wonderful time as I had a bad headache on Saturday.  Although the six player game of MFZ on Sunday kinda made up for it.

I managed to get in early on Friday which was nice as it gave me and one of the other guys that was helping demo time to set up the table.  I ended up demoing MFZ: Rapid Attack at least fire times and MFZ: Intercept Orbit twice.  I actually saw a RA team with Artillery win the demo game twice!  We also had two one-shot kills in two different games -- one RA the other IO.  I stopped demoing around 6:30 pm as my voice had taken a bit of a beating during the first IO demo.

Saturday didn't start out so well.  I woke up with a bad headache that would not go away all day.  I got in a little late after the con floor opened, 10:30 am.  I managed to run three IO demos, and one RA demo -- although it could have been more.  The first IO demo featured a Ram Attack that ended up destroying both ships.  The board looked like an interstellar junkyard by the end of the game.  My last IO demo was for Golden Meanie from the Hangar and his two sons.  Vlad and Ryan also stopped by the table to say "hi".  I quit around 4:00 and decided to go home.

Sunday was my day to enjoy the con so I wandered around with a friend for most of the day checking out the computer gaming end of the hall as I don't really spend much time there during PAX East.  I did run one demo of RA though.  Which I did right before the big event of the day.  My local MFZ gaming group all had tickets for Sunday, so we got together and played a game right there at the con.  Vlad from New Jersey, whom I've mentioned before on this blog, and Rob joined in to make it a six player game.  From us sitting down at the table to me putting the final pieces back in my travel bag it ran four hours, 1pm to 5pm.  It was a blast.  The lead see-sawed around the table, alliances were made and shattered, and fun was had by all.  I've already discovered four pictures from the game on Flickr.  My friend Ron, who was observing, took a bunch and I know the other players did too.  Hopefully I'll have a battle report done by the end of the week.

I met a lot of people, some for the first time, others again.  I'm horrible with names so I'm not going to try and make any shout-outs other than the ones I've already done.  It was great seeing all the friends I've made through the con again and I look forward to next year.  The are a couple things in the works for next year but I'll talk about that later.

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