
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Purity: Brickforge Review 4

At this point the rating system I set down in the second Brickforge review has become somewhat superfluous as the items I'm reviewing aren't really built for the sizes we use.  Therefore, they're basically greebles.  That being said, sometimes greebles are what sets one build apart from the rest.

Sipping Glass.  This could make a useful muzzle on some sort of a rifle.  It has no problems connecting and fits at both scales.

Rating: A+ (+20)

Gemstone.  It could be used as a greeble or maybe part of a Spotting attachment.  No problems connecting and fits at both scales.

Rating: A+ (+20)

Test Tube.  Possible uses as a greeble, part of a Spotting attachment, or ammunition for a weapon.  Fits both scales and has no problem attaching.

Rating: A+ (+20)

Lens Piece.  These are slightly different from the regular Lego 1x1 Round Tiles, being slightly bigger and rounder.  They're also available in a few different colors than their Lego counterparts.  Fits both scales and has no problem attaching but there has been some sprue flash on some of the pieces.

Rating: A (+15)

Warning Light.  I think this is my favorite piece in this review.  It's great for greebling or color marking.  Combine this with the Flask from the last review and you get a great looking SSR.  Fits both scales and has no problem attaching.

Rating: A+ (+20)

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