
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Review: Gundam Converge GX9901-DX Gundam Double X (218)

 Found a few more Gundam Converge kits at Barnes & Noble, so let's give them a shakedown.

Box.  I paid $8.99 at Barnes & Noble for this.


Disassembled.  The head vanes could be Spotting.  The headcould be Defense or Spotting.  The cannons could be Artillery.  The backpack vanes could be Movement or Spotting.  The arm pauldrons could be Melee or Defense.  The gun could be Direct Fire.  The backpack could be Defense, Movement, or Spotting


Size Comparison.

The Questions:
Is it below, at, or above $10 per Frame?  Below.  (+5)

Is it a good size to use in a game?  Yes.  In between a Chub and a Classic.  (+5)
How many parts does it have to represent systems?  Four.  (+5)
Does it have enough parts you can remove to represent White Dice damage?  Yes.  (+5)
Score: +20 (A+). One of the few sets that has obvious Artillery attachments.

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