
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mecha Design & Tactical Doctrine 5

Assault: This design has one Direct Fire attachment, one Defensive attachment, and one Movement attachment.  (2Rd/1B/1G/2W)  A front-line, standard combat mech.  It can take 25% less damage than the Soldier as it has one less attachment.

Fast Assault: This design has one Direct Fire attachment, one Defensive attachment, and two Movement attachments. (2Rd/1B/2G/2W)  A quick moving version of the Assault archetype. It should be used in a manner similar to the Swarmer.

Armored Assault: This design has one Direct Fire attachment, two Defensive attachments, and one Movement attachment. (2Rd/2B/1G/2W)  A sturdier version of the Assault archetype.

Heavy Assault: This design has two Direct Fire attachments, one Defensive attachment, and one Movement attachment.  (2Rd+d8/1B/1G/2W)  Designed to follow the Closer into battle. Carrying Double Direct to improve its chances of hitting, while using Movement and Defense to improve survivability.

Mecha Design & Tactical Doctrine 4
Mecha Design & Tactical Doctrine 3
Mecha Design & Tactical Doctrine 2
Mecha Design & Tactical Doctrine 1

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