
Monday, July 23, 2012

The Calm Before The Storm

It seems like we've had a few voices go silent over on the Hangar and the FB group.  It's not a surprise.  Unless you're a bit mono-minded about hobbies, like I am, people can lose interest over time.  And even I'm getting a little worn out.  I'm just wondering how many of these people will come back after the 2nd rules draft gets circulated.

Of course it may just be due to the fact that it's summertime and Lego/Gaming tends to be a hobby for the other three seasons.  :-)


  1. I think it's a combination of the two things. There was a big rush while everyone was building and tweaking and comparing and discussing. Now everyone is satiated, so hey, why not head down to the beach. If the new rules were released in September or so, you'd see a big return. IMHO.

  2. My problem lately is trying to balance working close to 50 hours a week with taking care of a new dog. It doesn't leave much free time. Especially with my fiancee consistently stealing my laptop to play Bejeweled 3...

  3. For me, I've kind of burned out on MFZ stuff. I'm still keeping an eye on the forums and Flickr groups and whatnot, but I haven't even thought about frame designs or anything for weeks.

    It does't help that work has picked up and now I've gotten sick so I'm just trying to work around those obstacles at the moment, too.

    That said I can't wait for the next draft / final version of the rules. Mostly I wanna hold that book in my hands and behold it's awesomeness :)

  4. I can totally understand that "life gets in the way". I've got a seminar and review this weekend that's been sucking up a lot of my time in the last few weeks. Then there's the cookout next weekend...

  5. I'm not going anywhere, just been busy, looking for a job, traveling plus other hobbies.

  6. I haven't been posting much since we have switched over to using Gundam kits, and I've been working on those more than Lego this past month.

    1. While I love the idea of using Gundam models, I feel like that has the potential to be even more cost-prohibitive than using Legos, though that of course depends on the type of kit being used.

      Damn, now you're going to make me want to research the matter further...

  7. I was not posting due to good weather. :D I'm riding BMX so and i'm like 24/7 in skatepark, street spots and dirts. But, yeah, after taht second draft I'm planning to build something, and post sometjing more than only builds.
    Shorten Weaponry

  8. Speaking of community, I was trying to become a bit more involved and sign up for the forums. My username will be confused bat and I just haven't had any luck with the registration process. Does anyone have any ideas about who to contact?

    1. The guy who set them up, Schoon, is the admin. His wife had a baby recently so he's not been around very much. Unfortunately, that's the extent of the help I can give you.

    2. Thanks for your help! I saw that Schoon was the admin but was unable to pull up an address or contact. In any case, baby > legos.
