
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Battle Report 2: Christmas Eve Carnage

Stevenik and I had a rematch on Tuesday.  He wanted revenge for his first loss, I just wanted to play again.  :-)  I used my Spider Mechs again, stevenik used the Strongarms with some slight modifications since the last go 'round.  I had 11 assets -- 8 mechs (with 26 attachments) and 3 stations -- for 33 points.  stevenik had 8 assets -- 5 mechs (with 19 attachments) and 3 stations -- for 56 points.

Here's the battleground at the start of the game.  The Doomsday clock is at 11.

Turn 1: stevenik has the initiative and chooses to go first.  He starts with his Spotter mech lighting up one of my Leader mechs and taking one of my stations.  He then draws fist blood with a thunderous strike from his Artillery mech, destroying the spotted Leader mech with one shot.  More shots are traded, he damages another of my mechs, mechs shuffle position and I take one of his stations in return.

stevenik (56 points) vs. myself (30 points).  The Doomsday clock has been ticked down to 9.

Turn 2: stevenik still has the initiative and chooses to go first again.  Shots are fired, no real damage is taken.  I take one of his stations, destroy the HtH mech defending it, and damage his Spotter mech.

stevenik (40 points) vs. myself (33 points).  The Doomsday clock has been ticked down to 7.

Turn 3: stevenik still has the initiative and once again chooses to go first.  He damages my Assault mech but I manage to take two of his stations.  I also destroy his Spotter and Direct Fire mechs.  As a note: I hit the Direct Fire mech with a 10 die hit and only two came up damage-worthy.

Myself (36 points) vs. stevenik (24 points).  The Doomsday clock has been ticked down to 5.

Turn 4: I have initiative but allow stevenik to go first.  He destroys my Assault mech and re-takes the station it had stolen.  I re-take the station he had stolen on the first turn.  Three of my mechs on one side of the board go leap-frogging for the other side and stevenik's remaing mechs.

Myself (33 points) vs. stevenik (24 points).  The Doomsday clock has been ticked down to 3.

Turn 5: I still have the initiative and again allow stevenik to go first.  He damages one of my mechs.  I shift position on several of my mechs and end the turn.

Myself (33 points) vs. stevenik (24 points).  The Doomsday clock has been ticked down to 2.

Turn 6:
Once again I have the initiative and force stevenik to go first.  He attacks with his remaining two mechs, damages one of mine but fails to kill anything.  I pass on the rest of my turn and tick the Doomsday clock down to zero.

Myself (33 points) vs. stevenik (24 points). The Doomsday clock has been ticked down to 0.

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