
Friday, January 10, 2014

Purity: 31144 Transformers Bumblebee Review

I picked this set up back before Christmas at my local Five Below.  The Hasbro website has it for $7.99.  I got it for $4.00.  It has 75 pieces.

Instructions and stickers.

I see 1x4 Hinge Plates, 1x2 Trans-Red Plates, 2x2 cheese slope and plate combos, a couple of 1x1 bricks that are only two plates tall, a bunch of 1x1 round tiles that have writing on them and are slightly larger than 1x1, and a couple of pieces that look like a 2x2-2x2 Bracket combined with a Hinge Plate.  That's a real smorgasbord.

In this picture we see the Kre-O ball joints.  They're nice and sturdy but have this rubberized coating that makes them very stiff to move.  Not a great trade-off.  The head is interesting too, as it attaches to the 2x2 plate with the pole in the middle.

Here's the first frame I built with this set.  Pretty bulky, it could be statted up as 2Rh+d8/2B/2W.

Here's a station too.  Once again, not that great but it's using pieces.  I still have a handful of plates left over.

The Questions:
Can you build a frame, or frames, right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio? At normal price, above.  (-10) ($0.11 per part.)
If you can't build a frame right away, or choose not to, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away?  Yes. (+5)
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts?  Yes.  (+5)

Score: 5 (B+).  If you can get it on sale like I did it jumps to a A+.

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