
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Battle Report: The First Battle of June (Part 2)

The battle is continued from Part 1.
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The following events occurred in the second  round.
Grafvonbarnez dropped control of Stevenik's HVA.
Grafvonbarnez destroyed Tom's Frame Company.
I seized Stevenik's HVA.
Grafvonbarnez dropped control of Stevenik's Cruiser.
Grafvonbarnez seized Tom's Cruiser.
Tom seized Stevenik's Cruiser.
The Doomsday Clock was ticked down to 2 from 6.

The scrum in the center of the battlefield is still pretty tight but it's starting to expand.

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The following events occurred in the third  round.
Grafvonbarnez seized then dropped my HVA.
Stevenik seized my HVA.
Tom dropped control of Stevenik's Cruiser.
Stevenik destroyed Tom's Cruiser that was under the control of Grafvonbarnez.
Tom seized my Frigate.
Stevenik  rammed my Frigate.
The Doomsday Clock was ticked down to 0 from 2.

Grafvonbarnez ended up winning.  The scores were Grafvonbarnez (5 Assets) 20 points, Tom (3 Assets) 15 points, Stevenik (4 Assets) 12 points, and myself (1 Asset) 6 points.

Thoughts on IO:
  • Even though there were no Support range weapons on any Tactical Asset there was still no place to hide on the table.  Movement is fast enough that you can be brought back into range even if you attempt to flee.  Never mind the "instant movement" of launching a Frame Company.
  • I'm not sure I agree with a ship not having some sort of defensive roll against being boarded by a Frame Company beyond having a Point Defense attachment.  Given the utility and strength of Frame Companies that basically demands every ship have at minimum a split range weapon with Point Defense being one of the ranges.
  • Keeping track of point totals can be a bit taxing.  Especially with Frame Companies jumping on and off Assets at a moment's notice.

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