
Monday, March 30, 2015

Survey Answers

I figure enough time has passed on my Survey Questions that any new answers aren't forthcoming.  Here are the results.

Survey Question 1: How Often Do You Play?
Never: 4 votes (11%).
Less Than Once a Year: 12 votes (32%).
Yearly: 3 votes (8%).
Every 6 Months: 7 votes (18%).
Every Other Month: 7 votes (18%).
Monthly: 4 votes (11%).
Every Other Week: 1 vote (3%).
Weekly: 0 votes.
More Than That: 0 votes.
Total Votes: 38.

Survey Question 2: How Long Have You Been Playing?
Prior to 2012 (Mechaton): 7 votes (16%).
2012 (MFZ:RA): 9 votes (20%).
2013: 10 votes (22%).
2014 (MFZ:IO): 14 votes (31%).
2015: 5 votes (11%).
Total Votes: 45.

Survey Quest 3: How Old Are You?
Teens: 1 vote (3%).
20s: 11 votes (28%).
30s: 18 votes (45%).
40s: 10 votes (25%).
50s: 0 votes.
Older: 0 votes.
Total Votes: 40.

Survey Question 4: Favorite Faction?
Ijad: 4 votes (13%).
Solar Union: 10 votes (31%).
Free Colonies: 8 votes (25%).
Your Own Solar Calendar Creation: 4 votes (13%).
A Creation Outside the Solar Calendar: 6 votes (19%).
Total Votes: 32.

Survey Question 5: What's Your Favorite Part of Mobile Frame Zero?
The Setting: 8 votes (24%).
The Rules: 5 votes (15%).
The Lego: 16 votes (48%).
Special Snowflake: 4 votes (12%).
Total Votes: 33.

I'm kinda surprised that question two got the most responses.  I'm not really surprised that the community skews older, or that the Lego is the favorite part of MFZ.

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