
Monday, May 18, 2015

The Battle for June 2 & Other MFZ News

The Mobile Frame Hangar will be running its second contest ever.  The "Battle for June" has returned!  The person that posts the most battle reports in the month of June will win a small Pick-A-Brick cup of Travis Bricks.  This contest starts on 12:01am, June 1, 2015 and ends Midnight, June 30, 2015.

The format necessary for posts to be eligible will be the following:

  • a list of players,
  • three pictures minimum (before, during, after),
  • a recounting of what happened.
Hangar "employees" are not eligible for this contest.

Discussion here.


To go along with that, apparently Brick Fiesta is having a special MOC category of Mobile Frame Zero Companies.  Interesting.  Can any MoF0s in Texas, or anyone associated with Brick Fiesta, fill us in?


Target is running a sale on Friends, Chima, and Star Wars sets this week.  The main ones pictured in the ad at 15% off are 41059 Jungle Tree Sanctuary, 70141 Vardy's Ice Vulture Glider, and 75085 Hailfire Droid.


  1. Hi,
    I'm Steven from Austin, and I'm helping with the MF0 competition at Brick Fiesta.

    We are trying to advance the MF0 games at Brick Fiesta beyond those we did last year by adding MF0 to the list of MOC categories.

    Last year, we had two or three games of MF0 at the convention, and there was a good amount of interest. We had enough players at one of the time slots that we split into two games.

    However, we found that there was an issue: a lot of time during the convention was spent building the Frames and explaining the rules, and we ran short on time to play with them. Luckily, three players had prepared more than one company, and they shared with other players that did not have companies.

    This year, we plan on having an introduction session to explain the rules and let people build frames.
    Also, Brick Fiesta has a special MOC category for award consideration, and this should encourage people to build frames before the con.
    These MF0 MOCs will be judged early so that they can be used during the game.

    I have played Mechaton a few times, and I've played (or run) Mobile Frame 0 a few times. I've also played a lot of other tabletop games, so I'm organizing the Lego tabletop games for Brick Fiesta.

    I've seen the post here about the four places for MF0 fans to go, but I'm not a regular member of any of those sites. I would prefer not to spam them, so, if you are interested in Brick Fiesta, and frequent G+, FB, Flickr, or the Mobile Frame Garage forums, please contact me; I'd appreciate if you could post there.
    If I don't get a response, I'll likely post there myself.

    Please feel free to post any or all of this at the Mobile Frame Hanger; we would appreciate it.

    Feel free to contact me at for more information about MF0 at Brick Fiesta or any other Lego based Tabletop Games (we will have BrickQuest, Lego Wiz War, Heroica, Quik Wars, etc.).
    You can find more information about the convention itself at (AFOLs should click on the "Convention Attendance" link).

    Brick Fiesta is a non-profit, fan run Lego convention put on by the Texas LUGs, and it moves every year among four of the largest Texas cities to build up support of the hobby. This year, BF is in Austin at the Double Tree Hotel near I35 and 290, and will be held on July 23rd through 26th.
    More information is at



    1. Steven, thank you for the in-depth answer. You should probably think about joining the Hangar as we have a Game Locator forum, and posting details of the games at the con on that board may help increase attendance.

    2. Steven, great to hear from you. I can't recommend becoming involved on the Hangar enough. And for those that express interest in MFZ from attendance/participation in Brick Fiesta, please steer them to the Hangar for any questions they may have about the game: game finder, build advise, rules questions, etc.
