
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Purity: 81506 Kre-O Transformers Optimus Prime vs. Megatron

For the last review of the Kre-O "transforming" Transformers week, let's look at the Optimus Prime versus Megatron kit.

Box.  Base price was $7.99 at Marshall's, for a $0.04 Price per Piece.



Parts 1.  Some interesting 2x2x2 Bricks w/4 Studs on 1 Side there, otherwise it's just a bunch of Plates, Tires, Rims, and a Brick.

Parts 2.  Kreon parts in the upper right corner.  Plenty of Plates, Tiles, Bar Plates, Clip Plates and Slopes, along with Kre-O Ball Joints.

Parts 3.  Kreon parts in the upper right corner.  Dark Red this time instead of Red for a 2nd Optimus variant.  Plenty of Plates, Tiles, Tires, Rims, Bar Plates, Clip Plates and Slopes, along with Kre-O Ball Joints.  There's also a couple of Bar Clips, and that funky 1x1 Round Plate w/ Vertical Bar.

Build 1.  A Wall, it'll take two hits before being reduced to non-Cover.

Build 2.  A fairly standard Frame,
a little on the tall side.

The Questions:
Can you build something -- a frame, station, or starship -- right away?  
Yes.  (+5)
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio?  Below.  (+5)  
(The Golden Ratio is $0.10 per part.)
If you can't build a frame right away, or choose not to, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts?  Yes.  (+5)
Score: +20 (A+).  I'm sure the MSRP is closer to $20 than what I paid for it, so the score is questionable.