
Monday, January 11, 2016

Spotlight: Cole Blaq 2

Apparently Mr. Blaq has done more of these since I last blogged about them.  I'm going to retain the formatting from the last time to preserve a sense of continuity.

Titan FX.07 Titan FX.07.  The new Star Wars: Rebels lightsaber handle as a gun plus the robot head as an actual head are neat.

Titan FX.08 Titan FX.08.  Looks like another scout unit to me.

Titan FX.L Titan FX.L.  An armored beetle.

Titan FX.10 Titan FX.10.  This looks like it could be a Rooftop Racer.

Titan FX.11 Titan FX.11.  The Necromancer's Crown from the Hobbit sets is a very nice touch.

Titan FX.12 Titan FX.12.  I think this is my favorite of the bunch, so organic looking, I'm reminded of the Alphas from Edge of Tomorrow.

There are more but I'll save those for an Intercept Orbit post as they're spaceships.  I look forward to seeing what else he builds for this series in the future.

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