
Friday, April 8, 2016

Review: 30205 Pop Star Red Carpet Polybag

This was available at Target in the Christmas section last year.

Bag.  A MSRP of $3.99 gives us a  $0.12 Price per Piece.



Parts.  Some Plates, a couple of Trans-Clear Bricks, a 4x1 Brick w/Studs on side, a Radar Dish, A Minifig Space Gun, a couple of Minifig Spyglasses, a Couple of Minifig Skeleton Legs, A couple of Minifig Microphones -- which somewhat work inthe Mixel female all joints, interestingly enough.

Build.  A horrible IO Frigate (2Ra/2Rpd/1Y/2W/1G).

The Questions:
Can you build something -- a frame, station, or starship -- right away?  Barely.  (+5)
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio?  Above.  (-10)  
(The Golden Ratio is $0.10 per part.)
If you can't build a frame right away, or choose not to, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts?  No.  (-5)
Score: -5 (B-).  I think that's a better score than this set deserves.  It has some interesting pieces but is not worth the cost.

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