
Friday, September 8, 2017

Review: Gundam Converge RX-93-v2 Hi-V Gundam (144)

Let's finish Gundam Converge review week.

Box.  I paid $10.99 for this at Newbury Comics.


Disassembled.  The rifle can be Direct Fire, the shield is Defense, the "wings" Defense/Movement/Spotting, the head Defense/Spotting, those tubes Defense/Movement, and I'm not sure what that piece in the bottom right of the picture can be or where it goes.  This kit needed an instruction sheet.  Oh, and you can take the arms off for losing White dice.


Size Comparison.

The Questions:
Is it below, at, or above $10 per Frame?  Above.  (-5)
Is it a good size to use in a game?  Yes.  It looks halfway between the Chub and the Classic.  (+5)
How many parts does it have to represent systems?  Four.  (+5)
Does it have enough parts you can remove to represent White Dice damage?  Yes.  (+5)
Score: +10 (A-).  The price killed the score.

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