
Monday, January 14, 2019

Review: 30528 Mini Master-Building MetalBeard Polybag

Continuing on with the polybag and Lego Movie 2 theme from last week, I bought this at Walmart two weekends ago.

Bag.  I paid $3.97, for a $0.10 Price per Piece.


Parts.  Exo-Force Arms, Technic Plates, Axle Plates, Rims, Minifig Swords, Flame Pieces, Bar Clips, Small Barbs, Plates, Ball Joints, Slopes, Bracket, Flag, Antenna, Padlock, Minifig Telescope, Minifig Head, Minifig Hat, Dish, Octagonal Bar Plate, Cyberbeard Plate, Clip Plate, and 1x4 Mod. Plate w/Angled Tubes.

Build.  Frame (2Rh+d8/1Y ) with
alternate (2Ra) Attachment.

The Questions:
Can you build something -- a frame, station, or starship -- right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio?  At.  (0)  (The Golden Ratio is $0.10 per part.)
If you can't build a frame right away, or choose not to, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts?  No.  (-5)
Score: +5 (B+).  A Frame-in-a-Bag, but needs to be cheaper or have more parts for a better score.

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