
Friday, June 14, 2019

Hate Has No Home Here

Let's repeat that for those in the cheap seats.


No photo description available.

I was going to do a review today but a couple of comments on different MFZ social media led to this.  There were two separate incidents of (pushback?complaint?) bitching about Pride Month iconography being posted by people.  That won't stand.  The Mobile Frame Zero community prides itself on being open and welcoming to all people.  Except those that are intolerant.  Denying people a chance to express their identities?  Intolerance.  Hate.  NOT acceptable.

I'm cishet and identify as male.  I know that affords me a lot of privilege but I still remember a time when being geeky and weird was frowned upon.  Luckily I had athletic pursuits that allowed me to pass as "normal" in most circles.  The wheel has turned and it's now the "Age of the Geek".  We're in ascendancy for a tiny moment.  Let's not forget where we came from.  No more gatekeeping, no more intolerance.  No more hate.

Pride color Chubs created by Shades Corvid.  Image used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, dude. I can identify with the whole Age of the Geek thing, how quickly we forget it used to be considered a socially unacceptable thing to game in general. I love this community because yes, lego robots and incredible rules, but also the explicit pages in the rule book and the forum posts that basically say "don't be a douche for no reason". Keep being the machine that kills fascists. Side note, thanks for your constant dedication to the game, this forum is incredibly useful and just an amazing resource in general.
