
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Review: 40424 Winter Snowball Fight

This is one of the seasonal sets for 2020.  Interest in this set, in the general Lego community, seemed high due to the high number of 1x2 Rounded Plates included.

Box.  MSRP is $12.99 for this which gives us a $0.09 Price per Piece.


Parts 1.  Plates, Tiles, Minifig Skis, Round Brick, Arch Bricks, 2x3
Plate w/Hole, Axle Plate w/Pinholes, 1x4 Offset Plate, 2x2x1 Crates,
Minifig Tree, Brick, Slopes, Brick w/Pin, Technic Bricks, Log
Bricks, Round Brick w/Pinholes, Brackets, and Wedge Bricks.

Parts 2.  Boat Sliders, Round Large Jumper, Tile, Hinge Brick Top
(which I've never seen in Blue before), slopes, Hinge Brick Base, Flags,
Jumpers, Plates, Clip Plate, Printed Round Tiles, Cheese Slopes, Studless
 Slopes, Rounded Plates, Rounded Tiles, Axle w/Stud, Bars w/Stopper,
Minifig Snowshoes, Branches, Minifig Cups, and Round Brick.


Parts 3.  Round Plate, Round Tile, Minifig Top Hat, Curved
Slope 2x1x1.3 w/Recessed Stud, Rounded Plate, Plate, Jumper,
Half Pins, Tooth Plate, Technic Connector?, Barbs, Apollo
Studs, Minifig Ski Poles, New Headlight Brick, and Jem.



Build.  Two Frames, two 1 Hit pieces of Cover, and a Station.

The Questions:
Can you build something -- a frame, station, or starship -- right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio?  Below.  (+5)  (The Golden Ratio is $0.10 per part.)
If you can't build a frame right away, or choose not to, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts?  Yes.  (+5)
Score: +20 (A+).  It has some useful parts but, not really enough of them.  I'd say it needs to be combined with something else to really shine.

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