
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Review: 40413 Mindstorms Mini Robots

I received this as a "free" giveaway with purchase a few weekends ago at my local Lego Store.  Maybe at some point it will make it into the standard retail pipeline.

Box.  MSRP is $19.99 for a $0.06 Price per Piece.


Parts 1.  Rims, Plates, Tires, Stud Shooters, Technic Axle and Pin
Connector Perpendicular Double Split, Axle Plate, Technic Thick Lift
Arms, Axle 5.5 w/Stop, Technic, Thick L Lift Arm, Bricks, Inverted Slopes,
Technic Fairing Panels, Technic Brick w/Pin Holes, Slopes, Bionicle
Sphere, Projectile Launcher, and Mod. Brick w/Studs on 2 Sides.

Parts 2.  Angled Connectors, Plates, Studless Slopes, Axle/Pin
Connector 3L w/2 Pin  Holes, Tiles, Ball Joint Plates, Corner Plates,
Bar Plates, Axle Plates, Brackets, Technic Double Pinhole Bricks, Clip
Brick, Pinhole Plates, Curved Slopes, Minifig Radio, Axle w/Stop, Pin
Connector 2L w/2 Pins & Center Hole, Axles, and Projectile Arrows.

Parts 3.  1x1 Technic Bricks, Turntable Bases, Hinge Brick Tops, Thick
Liftarm w/Axle & Pinhole, Angled Connectors, Bar Plates, Plates, Tiles,
Pin Connectors, New Headlight Bricks, Clip Plates, Hinge Plates, Hinge
Brick Bases, Axles, Angled Corner Tiles, Corner Tile, Large Cheese
Slope, Inverted Pinhole Plates, Round Tile, and Technic Ball Joints.

Parts 4.  Lightsaber Bar, Turntable Tops, Large Round Jumper, Plates, 
Axle/Pin, Thin Liftarms, Studless Slopes, Tile, Jumper, Pin/Pin
Connector, Axle/Pin Connector, Wand Bars, Round Plates, Hinge
Cylinder, Heart Tiles, Tile Clips, Brackets, Rounded Plates, Axle
Connectors, 1L Pin Connectors, Levers & Bases, and 3L Friction Pins.

Parts 5.  Plates, Tile Clips, Notched Axle, Pin, Friction Pins, Cheese
Slopes, Minifig Bucket Handles, Stud Shooter Triggers, Round Tiles,
1L Pin Connectors, Half Bushings, Round Plates, and Bar Clips.

Build.  Frame and Station.

The Questions:
Can you build something -- a frame, station, or starship -- right away? Yes. (+5)
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio? Below. (+5) (The Golden Ratio is $0.10 per part.)
If you can't build a frame right away, or choose not to, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away? Yes. (+5)
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts? Yes. (+5)
Score: +20 (A+).  While it has a lot of useful parts in Teal, you should be able to make a fair amount of functional builds from a set this big.

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