
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Yearly Look Back: 2020 Edition

It's been a year, hasn't it.

I'm up 18 posts from last year, maintaining my "at least three posts per week" average for the eighth year running.  This is my third highest total for posting.  I'm now estimating cracking 2,000 posts sometime around June of 2024.

The Central MA gaming group continued to meet this year.   We managed seven games together, before the COVID-19 lockdowns took effect.

I managed 117 reviews this year; 10 non-building block, 36 clone bricks, 9 Mega Bloks, and 62 Lego. That comes out to an average of 9.75 per month. Which is a increase of 2.17 reviews per month from 2019.

I did a few more Terrain Workshop posts than the year before.  I really have to lean harder into doing posts like that as I have a few new table-settings I'm working on and doing them in general might aid the community more.

I'm now over 910K views, which is roughly another 60K views since last year.  Thank you to everyone for the continued readership.   My Flickr stream is over 4.1 million views which I must thank everyone for as well.

I got to attend PAX East -- for the second time as a regular attendee -- and then COVID-19 shut down the world.  No
 PAX Unplugged, no Armour Con, no meeting great MoF0s, no seeing old friends, or playing really fun games.  I won't lie, it sucks.  But I'd rather everyone stay safe and sound.  I know a few people are working on virtual table top mods so we can maybe play that way.  Vaccine distributions are being finalized so we're getting closer to face to face meeting again.  I'm still hoping to arrange a tournament for Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack at the next PAX Unplugged, whenever that might be.  So let's take a breath, wave at each other virtually, and go on being the awesome community that I know we are.

Stay safe, see you next year.  :-)

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