
Monday, October 4, 2021

Build Journal: Veyman Revelation

Dark Syntax took two of Aardvark17's Frames -- the Layman and the Vega Genesis -- and combined them.  This is a fairly standard practice of the MFZ community and I've mentioned it before.  The resulting build was named the Veyman Genesis and it's pretty neat.  It removes some of the Layman's blandness and tones down the finicky-ness of the Vega Genesis, resulting in a solid, table-ready design.  I even made a copy myself.

The main issue I have with the design is that the feet are located behind the point of balance for the Frame, meaning that you have to push the shoulders back to keep it upright -- or add a bunch of Systems to the back of the Frame.  It's an issue that can be fixed, but I like my Frame designs stable from the get go.

I should mention that I made a couple changes in the initial version I assembled.  I added in a 2x2 Corner Plate to the torso.  This widened out the torso making it look fuller.  It also reduces the amount of weight carried by the shoulder's single stud connection by transferring some of the weight to the waist construction.  I also used a different set-up for the forearms, mainly because I don't have any 1x1 Bricks w/Studs on 2 Opposite Sides in the two colors I chose to use for the build.

This post on the MFZ Facebook group got me thinking on how to fix my issue with the design and led me to experiment a little bit more.  Seeing that and the Veyman Dynamo, I realized I could make legs with more articulation.  So I added 1x1 Clip Bricks (horizontal) into the hips.  Starting with a 1x2 Bar Plate (closed ends), a 1x3 Slope paired with a 1x3 Inverted Slope expanded the footprint and made it more stable.  I swiped Skrob's Ingot face idea and changed the Studless Slope on the head to something a little more my style.  I also made an alteration to one of the arm designs that Dark Syntax detailed in the original posting on Facebook.


I also updated the name, leaning into the biblical aspect of the original name choice, hence the "Revelation" part of the moniker.

Now all I have to do is finish Systems, Stations, and SSRs and they'll be table ready!

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