
Monday, August 22, 2022

Monthly Mecha Making Inspiration Game

Occasionally I get asked "Why doesn't the community have building contests?"  There are many answers why not but it basically comes down to the fact that the MFZ already leans heavily on building as a means of interacting and doesn't really need any encouragement on that front.  Honestly it would be nice if we saw more actual play, rules exploration, fiction, or terrain builds out of the community.

That being said, there's been a long running MFZ building challenge -- since 2017! -- called the Monthly Mecha Making Inspiration Game organized by J. Phayze.  With the lack of a community message board the challenges are currently being posted to the MFZ subRedditThe current one can be found here.  This challenge can be a great way to supercharge your creativity, I know it's helped me a few times.  I've made a number of builds for different iterations of the MMMIG.

Here's my build for the latest outing.  It's based on the top center mecha from the source material.

Flickr page.

So, if you're looking for an excuse to build something or just need inspiration in general, check out the Monthly Mecha Making Inspiration Game, and help support a long running community tradition.

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