
Friday, September 16, 2022

Review: 76830 Lightyear Zyclops Battle

So generally the "4+" sets are awful in terms of price and not much better when it comes to parts.  This was another chance to get that Printed Boat Stud though.  The main build might even be useful as a starting point for MFZ: Rapid Attack.  Let's see!

Box.  MSRP was $19.99 for a $0.23 Price per Piece.
I picked this up for $13.00 for a $0.15 Price per Piece.


 Minifigs.  I want to use that
 Minifig Helmet in a build.

Parts 1.  Plates, Tiles, Corrugated 2x2x0.6 Bricks, Slope, Container,  Round Tiles, Bricks, Projectile Launcher Brick, Clip Brick, Panel,  Minifig Wrench, Jumper, Minifig Telescope, Clip Bars, Minifig Radio, and Minifig Sci-Fi Guns.

Parts 2.  Large Figure Legs, Bent 2x6x0.6 Plates, Triple Curved Wedges, Printed
Dome, Studless Wedges, Printed Triple Curve Wedge, Transparent Dish, Plates,
Mudguard Plate, Wedge Plates, Inverted Double Slope w/Cutout, Bricks w/Studs
on Side, Bricks w/Pinhole, Printed Boat Stud, Round Plate, Round Tile w/Hole,
Round Tile, Round Jumper, Curved Slopes w/Studs, Tiles, Clip Plates, Ball
Joint Plates, Brackets, Friction Pins, Minifig Handlebar, and Minifig Torch.

Build.  One Hit piece of Cover, Station, and Frame. The gun could be Direct
Fire or Spotting.  The printed boat stud could be Defense or Spotting.
The head could be Defense or Spotting.  The feet could be Movement.

Size Comparisons. 
The Questions:
Can you build something -- a frame, station, or starship -- right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio?  Above.  (-10)  
(The Golden Ratio is $0.10 per part.)
If you can't build a frame right away, or choose not to, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts?  Yes.  (+5)
Score: +5 (B+).  That base price is horrendous, and the Clearance price isn't much better, but it might make for an okay starter set in a pinch.

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