
Friday, October 14, 2022

Review: 40515 Pirate and Treasure VIP Add On Pack Polybag

This was a "Free with Purchase" giveaway for a $50 expenditure for VIP patrons in September at the Lego store.

Bag.  MSRP is $9.99, for a $0.10 Price per Piece.


Parts 1. Square Bar Plate, Minifig Ship's Wheel, Anchor, Printed
Flags, Shark Body, Fences, Cannon, Sword Leaves, Cannon Base,
Chest, Shark Head, Chest Lid, Parrots, Plate, Barrels, Chicken,
Clip Plates, Antenna, Minifig Lanterns, Minifig Bottles, Minifig
Cutlasses, Printed Tile, Technic Brick w/Pinhole, and Log Bricks.

Parts 2.  Round Plates, Plates, Ingots, Translucent Round Bricks, Round Bricks, 
 Apollo Studs, Gems, Frogs, Minifig Cups, Chains, and Minifig Sextant. 

Build.  2 Hit piece of Cover (The base six pieces are one Plate below
the minimum height for Cover, so it's not 3 Hits like it looks like.).

 The Questions:
Can you build something -- a frame, station, or starship -- right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio?  At.  (0)  
(The Golden Ratio is $0.10 per part.)
If you can't build a frame right away, or choose not to, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts?  Yes.  (+5)
Score: +15 (A).  It has plenty of neat pieces but the availability is pretty limited.

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