
Friday, December 30, 2022

Yearly Look Back, 2022 Edition

It's time once again for another look back at the year that was.

The Central MA gaming group continued to meet this year.  We managed eight games together, which is an improvement over 2021.  I managed to break through the 70 games played barrier this year.

I'm down 8 posts from last year but, still maintaining my "at least three posts per week" average for the tenth year running.  I'm now estimating cracking 2,000 posts sometime around the last week of May of 2024.

I managed 85 reviews this year; 1 Book, 3 Mega Bloks, 3 Zuru Max, 10 non-building block, 11 Clone, 18 Make-It Bricks, and 39 Lego.  That comes out to an average of 7.1 per month.  Which is a decrease of 2.15 review per month from 2021 -- which I'm okay with as I feel like I need to pivot away from being review heavy.

I did 5 War College and 20 Terrain Workshop posts this year.  Which is a major increase in Terrain Workshops.  I'm hoping to do more of both, I really enjoy talking about MFZ in that way.

I'm now over 1M views, which is roughly another 66K views since last year.  I have no idea when I'll break 2 million. Thank you to everyone for the continued readership.  My Flickr stream is over 5.1 million views which I must thank everyone for as well.

I managed to attend PAX Unplugged this year on pretty short notice.  It was great seeing people I had shared a gaming table with back in 2019, it was also great meeting all the new people that were enthusiastic about MFZ.  It was trippy attending with friends from home this time -- apart from my booth-mates, that is.  I'm looking forwards to attending more conventions in 2023, and I'm really looking forwards to PAX Unplugged 2023 as I feel like we were on the cusp of multiple MFZ games happening at once this time around.

Keep on gaming and I'll see you next year. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for continuing to post. I really enjoy your terrain workshops.
