
Monday, June 5, 2023

MFZ Pride

Over on the MFZ Discord, Templeton has started a challenge for the community to build Frames in LGBTQ+ colors.  Some people have already joined in, including yours truly.

Of course the gold standard is this one by JP Nicht.

With the war being waged on some of our most vulnerable community members by fascists everywhere the rest of us should do our best to show support for all our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters.  Joining in this challenge and posting your build for all to see is a way of showing support.  It's also fun.  I can't wait to see what the rest of you have to offer.  Let's make this an awesome Pride month!


  1. I like this idea. I’ll see what I can pull together with my (admittedly small) supply of colored dots and studs.

    I have a rules question for you. In Rapid Attack, can a frame move through cover if it has a green “sprinting” D8 but no actual movement systems? In Mechaton it explicitly can (p13). In the MF-0 Condensed rules I found online it says the frame can (p9). But In the actual Rapid Attack rules, it says the “sprinting” D8 doesn’t count as a system (p75) and that “using any movement system at all allows the mobile frame to move through cover; otherwise, it has to go around it” (p63). I’ve been playing with the rule that the frame can move through or climb onto or through cover when it bad the green D8, but I noticed that in the rules and wonder what you think.

    1. The Sprint die acts as a System but isn't one. Therefore you can move through cover when your Frame has it.
