
Friday, September 8, 2023

Rule Mod: Capture the Flag Revision

After some feedback on the initial post, here are some updates and revisions to my "Capture the Flag" rules.
  • If these rules are being used then each Player should have one Flag Station minimum.
  • If the size of the game limits players to one station then it must be a Flag Station.
  • Flag Stations can be captured like regular Stations (page 91, 92) if the capturing player doesn't want to pick up the Flag or doesn't have a White Die to spare.
  • Otherwise it requires use of a White Die to pick up a Flag.  And by "use" I just mean set aside a White Die that hasn't been used to replace one of that Frame's other dice.
  • The player that captures a Flag gains the points for that asset when it is captured.
  • The player that controls a Flag at the end of the Game gains the points for that asset.
  • Damage to a Frame carrying a Flag causes that Frame to drop the Flag.
  • The Frame dropping the Flag decides where it gets dropped.
  • The Frame carrying a Flag can choose to drop it intentionally.
  • Flags can be recaptured by the dropping Frame if they have a free activation.
  • Otherwise they can be captured by opponents.
  • If the Flag is dropped in a crowd this may cause a Contested Station situation (page 130, 131).
  • The Frame carrying a Flag can choose to drop it intentionally to avoid a point of Damage, A.K.A. the Station Dance.
  • I you choose to do so the Flag must be dropped one Ruler unit away from the Frame that was carrying it.
We actually tried these out in our last game.  There was a comment made during the game that a carried Flag acts as an extra "hit point" and I'm okay with that.  It provides an extra incentive to pick up and run with a Flag.

JP_Nicht has also proposed a version where Flags are treated as Systems so that only Frames that aren't at max Systems can pick them up and Zombie Frames don't have to decide between picking up the Flag and staying alive.  I haven't had the chance but if someone wants to run this up the flagpole and see how it works that'd be cool.

Once again, I hope this is a fun option for people.

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