
Monday, April 30, 2012


I'm currently experiencing a bit of a dry spell when it comes to building.  I understand that my creative moments come and go.  I also understand that a lot of my personal energy might be taken up by my new job.  I still think it's a shame.  Because I see the passion and fire that is currently engulfing my fellow MoFØs and I want to participate beyond a few "Atta Boys" here and there.  And really, it's not the lack of building that concerns me.  All I have to do is dump a set or two out on the floor and I can kickstart those creative juices instantly.  What concerns me is all the universe-building going on and my lack of inventiveness on that front.  I'm a little jealous of the people that are carving out their own little sections of the MFZ universe.  I've written down a few notes but nothing like the work going on over at Orion 6.

I also think I'm seeing the first wave of enthusiam die down after the completion of the Kickstarter.  I'm sure things will ramp back up again after the completed game is placed in people's hands.  It just feels like things are on the ebb at the moment.


  1. All I see is flow baby! Have you seen how the Flikr group is growing? The number of items in the pool just keeps growing exponentially! And yes people are working on fiction because that is all they can work on until the rules come out. I think it feels like the calm before the storm because we are all waiting with baited breath for the rule book.

    1. I see the Flickr group growing, it just feels like the pace is flagging a bit. Which is understandable.

      And I think you misunderstand me. I'm jealous 'cause I'm *not* writing anything. My creativity in the writing department is a lot harder to jumpstart than the building department.

  2. I totally know how you feel. Other than the "Dragon" design I just uploaded to the Flickr, I've been so dry on ideas lately, and the writing department is just something I haven't had the drive to dive into lately. And it doesn't help looking at the Flickr group and seeing all sorts of great ideas that seem to make my designs look weak.

    1. I know! All my designs seem to be totally copying. And even if the core design is original, the head, the chest plate, the hand, the circle "ankle covers" on the legs, are ALL borrowed from Soren. What about when he sat down to build? HE didn't have a bunch a designs to look to, no aesthetic to copy, RRRRrrrrr-
