
Friday, August 23, 2013

Good Sets for Parts: Terrain

I came across a few new sets the other day that had great Price per Part ratios

31009 Small Cottage.  $19.97 for 221 pieces.  That's $0.07 per piece.  With plenty of basic bricks in Light Bley and Red you should be able to put this to good use making terrain.  It also has a small amount of useful parts for mech building.

31010 Treehouse.  $29.97 for 356 pieces.  That's $0.08 per piece.  And not only do you get a handful of useful mech parts -- plate clips, tile clips, battle droid, arms, etc. -- you get almost 40 1x2 White and Brown bricks.  Along with some other bricks in the set this should allow you to build some walls or a decent building for use as terrain.

31012 Family House.  $69.97 for 756 pieces.  That's $0.09 per piece.  Like 31010 it has a handful of fiddly bits.  It also has basic bricks in Light & Dark Bley and White in enough quantity to be useful for terrain.  It also has a light brick and it's still affordable which is a miracle.

The only thing these three sets have that I don't really like is minifigs, which aren't all that handy when it comes to building mecha.  Otherwise they are all excellent deals.


  1. How would one go about contacting you to gain membership on the MF0 forums?

    I am a new player and would really love to have access to the community.

    1. The registration will be open from 8am to 8pm EST tomorrow. Just let me know what name you register under so I can activate you.
