
Monday, April 14, 2014

PAX East 2014 Report

I'm back from PAX East.  Once again I had a wonderful time, and -- again -- I added a day of attendance.  I'm trying to type this up on Monday morning and it's all a blur of experiences and events.  I'm not going to give a recap by the day as I've done before as it would take too long for me to type out.  I guess I'll just give out impressions.

  • There were bag check lines this year.  Thank you, Tsarnaev brothers.
  • I moderated a panel for Indie gaming on Friday which was a new experience and a fair amount of fun.
  • Joshua didn't get the chance to show me Alpha Bandit until Friday evening but it is really neat and an interesting twist on the base rule set.
  • Soren's ship designs are going to blow your mind.
  • I managed to wander the con on Friday afternoon after doing the panel and running some demos.  I saw a lot of interesting things but not a lot of stuff I wanted to buy.
  • Saturday is just a mental blur of demos and talking to people about MFZ.  :-)  I did get to run my friend Tom through a demo of Alpha Bandit that morning though.
  • Sunday is mostly the same.  I did get to meet Vlad and Ryan again, whom I met the first time I did PAX East back in 2012.  It was great seeing both of them again.
  • Flakmaniak from the Hangar stopped by and showed off a number of his creations at the same time Joshua and I were talking to Vlad and Ryan.  We all had a great time ogling his mecha.
  • I came real close to losing my voice on Sunday.  I haven't done any talking yet today so we'll see how it is later.
  • I think the two main things people brought up about the game were, "How do you get the Lego to assemble the models?" and "The game is great but I have no one to play with."
  • If I'm forgetting anyone, I'm sorry.  I met and talked to a lot of people over three days.
See you next year!

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