
Monday, June 9, 2014

Battle Report: The First Battle of June (Part 1)

On Sunday, June 1st, 2014, four people gathered together to wage interstellar war.  Grafvonbarnez, Tom, Stevenik, and myself inflicted great hurt on each other via little Lego spaceships.  The table we used was only 4 ruler lengths long by 2.25 ruler lengths wide so we ignored the normal "terrain" placement rules.

The squadrons broke down as follows:
Tom (4 Tactical Assets & 7 Systems) = (5 Points per Asset) * (5 total Assets) = 25 Points
Me (3 Tactical Assets & 9 Systems) = (6 Points per Asset) * (4 total Assets) = 24 Points
Grafvonbarnez (4 Tactical Assets & 8 Systems) = (4 Points per Asset) * (5 total Assets) = 20 Points
Stevenik (4 Tactical Assets & 10 Systems) = (3 Points per Asset) * (5 total Assets) = 15 Points.

Tom started out as the Defender.  I was the Primary Attacker, and Grafvonbarnez and Stevenik were the other Attackers.

Here are pictures of the start of the game.
Top View
Table View

Side View

As you can see, we're all sort of arrayed in an arc facing Tom's ships which are in the lower left corner of the Side View picture.  Grafvonbarnez, in the upper left of the same picture, is at least arrayed to take on both Tom and Stevenik -- who is in the upper right of that picture.  I'm in the lower right side of the Side View picture.  Then the dice start rolling.

Top View
Table View

Side View

At the end of the first turn the following had happened.
I had destroyed Tom's Frigate.
Stevnik had destroyed one of my Frigates.
Grafvonbarnez had seized Stevenik's HVA with a Frame Company.
Stevenik had destroyed Grafvonbarnez Cruiser in one shot.
Grafvonbarnez had seized Stevenik's Cruiser with a Frame Company.
The Doomsday Clock was ticked down to 6 from 11.

The battle report will be continued in the next blog post.

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