Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Mathematical Golems

Some of the most common questions asked by people new to the game are; "How big are Frames supposed to be?" , "What pieces do I need to build Frames?" , "How many pieces do I need?" , "What should Systems look like?"  Six years ago, give or take, I built some "Mathematical Golems" -- inspired by a comment on the Hangar -- that fulfilled the needs of gameplay in the simplest number of parts.  Although there was the issue of how to determine which Transparent Red piece represented which System.  I thought about them from time to time but it took me a while to figure out how to resolve that problem.


It wasn't until I figured out that the difference between Ranged/Not-Ranged should be expressed as the difference between Square/Round Tiles/Plates that things clicked for me.  After that things flowed together fairly quickly.

Blue (Brawler): 2Rh+d8/2B/2W.
Brown (Soldier): 2Rd/1B/1G/1Y/2W.
Red (Recon by Fire): 2Ra+d8/2Y/2W.

So if you're wondering my reasoning is as follows; Melee (not ranged), Defense (not ranged), Direct Fire (ranged), Spotting (ranged), Movement (not ranged), and Artillery (ranged).  Also, instead of stacking double Systems I placed them all individually to help with clarity.  There is an issue with representing a Single Shot Rocket when building Frames this way.  (This also comes up when using Stat Bars.)  But if you swap out one of the Corrugated Bricks for a Brick w/Clip then you can attach a SSR that way.

So, as you can see, you can build Frames as small as you like, with as few as seven pieces, and Systems can be represented with Transparent Tiles/Plates -- to answer three of the questions from the first paragraph of this post.