
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Road to PAX East 2016

This will be the last post talking about PAX East for a while.  Hopefully.  :-)  I'll be sharing the title of this series of posts with Dark Cloud Blogs as he was the one that came up with the title and idea.  He is also the one that challenged me to a minifig scale game of MFZ at PAX East 2016.  He already has an idea for what his Frames are going to be and -- I believe -- already has them assembled.  I've got an idea, my Crab Mecha in minifig scale, but nothing assembled at the moment.  So I've really got to get on the stick about that.

This brings me to another point, is there any way we could get the guys from the Transit Gate to PAX East next year?  Or No B.S., Just ABS?  I'd love to do a "blogger's symposium"  or a "State of the Nation for MFZ" panel next year.

I have a whole bunch of ideas for next year.  I've talked to Joshua about a few things too.  I'll spell them out over time and hopefully build up a groundswell of attendance for next year.

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