
Monday, July 3, 2023

War College: Targeting/Destroying Cover

It's been a few months since the last War College visit, and since I want to do more of these, let's spend the week in class.

While talking about data mining information from my battle reports on one of the Discord servers I'm on, I got into a discussion about targeting/destroying Cover.

Commander Rook brought up his tactic of using a Frame with minimum of 2Ra/2Y (Delegator, Recon by Fire, etc.) to target Cover, hopefully destroy it, then placing a large Spot on the Frame hiding behind said damaged/destroyed Cover.  Then a second Frame with a SSR or double weapon Systems -- think of something with a d8 for Attack roll -- takes a swing at the exposed Frame.  This tactic will "expose a frame to full damage without prematurely activating it and allowing it to reposition."  You could also use this tactic with Commando, Support Soldier, or Squad Leader archetypes attacking the "problematic" Cover instead of one of the other archetypes mentioned.  It might just be a little more satisfying making that first attack from across the table though.

This tactic should prove useful on battlefields with some sort of structure or heavy wall like my DMZ, Airfield Ambush, or Owen's Crossing.  I'm not sure how many people already know/use this tactic because I haven't seen it very often in my own gaming group.

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