Thursday, June 6, 2024

MFZ Pride

We've swung around to that time of year again.  Summer has started -- in the Northern Hemisphere -- and Pride month is upon us.  Just like last year, The Mobile Frame 0 University -- the community Discord -- is having a build challenge to create Frames and/or stations in Pride colors.  We had a good turn out last year so let's see if we can get more people to participate this time around.

This is my contribution for this year.  A pair of Generics in Nonbinary colors.  They are assembled from a brickblend of Lego and Block Tech parts.  I've made a few tweaks since this picture was taken.  I've also assembled more of them, made Systems, and made Stations, so hopefully they'll be table ready soon.

I haven't forgotten about my build from last year.  I made Stations for that squad -- only two because I didn't have parts for more.  All I need to do now is make Single Shot Rockets and the squad will be ready for a medium sized game.

We've come up with a new hashtag, #MFZPride, for better connecting all of the community's builds for this challenge. I've also started the "MFZ Pride" tag on Flickr.

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