Monday, February 3, 2025

Player Count 6.1

After the game we just played using the new Player/Frames formula, I'm revisiting Player Count 6 with a small comparison.  Let's take a Generic Starter Squad -- quite literally -- and compare the amount of Frames in that set to all of the levels and amounts in the player count formula.  This should give us an idea of how our modifications have effected the formula.

Players  Stations Skirmish Battle
    2           3         4 to 6 5 to 8
    3           2         3 to 5 4 to 7
    4           2         3 to 4 4 to 6
    5           1         3 to 4 3 to 5

There are 24 "spaces" that a squad can fit into depending on how many Frames are in that squad.  My Generic Starter Squad can fit in to 17 of them.  That's roughly 71% of potential games people might play.  Which is pretty good for getting people started.

Now lets look at the new formula I devised.

New 1.3
Players Stations Skirmish Battle War
      2       3 5 to 7  6 to 8 7 to 9
      3       2 4 to 6  5 to 7 6 to 8
      4       2 3 to 5  4 to 6 5 to 7
      5       1 3 to 4  3 to 5  4 to 6
      6       1  N/A          3 to 4 3 to 5
N/A = Not Applicable.

The Starter Kit fits into 22 of 40 spaces, this time around, which brings the average down to 55%.  The average has come down but the overall number of spaces has nearly doubled and the number of spaces that the Starter Kit can fit into has increased.  If we ignore the "War" column -- which is one of the reasons why this formula is set up the way it is -- that reduces the number of possible spaces to 25.  Which changes it to 16 of 25 possibilities, which is 64%.

If I was to expand the Generic Starter Squad to six Frames that would increase the number of spaces fit to 88/75/84% depending on which version of the formula you use.  But that will be a question for another time depending on how things shake out for the 2nd Edition of Rapid Attack.  In the meantime I will continue testing this version of the formula.