Friday, March 7, 2025

Review: Gundam Converge RGC-80 GM Cannon [Red Head] {Immortal 4th Platoon} (302)

After a week of Zeon Gundam Converge reviews I feel the need to tilt things back the other way.  According to Gundanium Gateway, these were released in November of 2024.

Box.  I paid $11.99 at Newbury Comics for this.


Disassembled.  The head could be Defense or Spotting, The backpack
could be Defense or Movement.  The shield could be Defense.  The gun
could  be Melee, Direct Fire, or Spotting.  The cannon could be Direct Fire, 
Artillery, or Spotting.  The arms could be removed for White Die damage.


I managed to get the antenna in correctly this time.

Size Comparison.

The Questions:
Is it below, at, or above $10 per Frame?  Above.  (-10)
Is it a good size to use in a game?  Yes.  About the size of a Classic.  (+5)
How many parts does it have to represent systems?  Two.  (0)
Does it have enough parts you can remove to represent White Dice damage?  Yes.  (+5)
Score: 0 (B). This has the same advantages as Wednesday's review along with being a recolored design which allows you to field two duplicate GC figures on the table at the same time.

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