I had an idea on the way home one night about terrain in MFZ games. There's a microscale building standard called Micropolis. People use this standard to assemble collaborative builds at Lego conventions. I figure our community could make something similar.
Remembering Zeekhotep's Scale Reference Page, I put this together when I got home. It's 10 Bricks tall by 12 Studs wide. That makes a square 3.75" by 3.75". A ten by ten group of these makes a square 37.5" on a side. It has 1x1 Technic Bricks on each end of the third and eighth rows for connection points.
As an example, I built in two attachment points
for connecting Cover. I made a quick wall --
attached to those points -- that can take one Hit.
for connecting Cover. I made a quick wall --
attached to those points -- that can take one Hit.
Here's a two Hit building attached to the base in the same way as the wall.

As I mentioned in the second paragraph, a ten by ten group of these makes a square 37.5" on a side. Eleven by eleven would be a square 41.25" on a side. Twelve by twelve would be a square 45" on a side. If a group of people planned ahead of time before meeting up at a convention they should each be able to create and bring a number of sections then assemble them to manufacture a collaborative battlefield.
This is another section with a small hill built into it connected to the original section. The transition is a little jarring but it shows the possibilities.
As I mentioned in the second paragraph, a ten by ten group of these makes a square 37.5" on a side. Eleven by eleven would be a square 41.25" on a side. Twelve by twelve would be a square 45" on a side. If a group of people planned ahead of time before meeting up at a convention they should each be able to create and bring a number of sections then assemble them to manufacture a collaborative battlefield.
This is Brilliant