Thursday, August 8, 2019

Non-Human 32

Time for more non-human mecha.

SBM-12 Balaur by dryvvall.  The Minifig
Rollerskate as a sensor really makes this build.

the use of Wolverine claws as the toes.

Gobekko Rover by dryvval.  I like the use of the Vehicle Brush.

SFPD T-1 by Strombots.  Very Battletech-y.  Not sure I like the feet though.

Shanag by dryvvall.  Kinda big -- looks to be
18 Studs long -- but has a great use of color.


  1. Thanks for pointing that out,probably going to fix those feet,or just the whole thing.
    - Strombots

    1. I dislike pulling apart minifigs. If you like what you built, don't let my hangups bother you. :-)
