I wanted a selection of colors that stood out -- it being a racing frame
and all -- I have a lot of the Black Lampholders from a trip to my
local PaB so Black became the core color. I also have a decent
amount of pieces in Dark Pink so that became my secondary color.
I also wanted wheels on it and I managed to work that out.

I still had a ton more Lampholders in Black and a decent selection of the other pieces necessary so I tried making the Frame in more muted colors and having actual lower legs/feet. It was at this point I came up with the name, Siren.
I really liked it and I thought I might be able to pull off a "camouflage
pattern" look instead of the solid Brown color which led to this. I also
threw together some Systems while I was changing the color palette.
At this point I got a little obsessed and made a full squad.
pattern" look instead of the solid Brown color which led to this. I also
threw together some Systems while I was changing the color palette.
At this point I got a little obsessed and made a full squad.
SA-1s Space Siren |
This obsession led to me looking into the core pieces, what
colors they were available in, and what I had on hand. A short
period of experimentation later, and another version appeared.
At this point I ran out of Pneuma-Ts. Again. So I started looking
around for other parts to make the hip joints. I settled on Taps which
have a better color selection than Pneuma-Ts. I also wanted to see
how Wedge Plates interacted with Lampholders instead of the 1x3
Plates I had been using. This led to the SA-1c Chevron variant.
SA-1w White Knight Siren |
SA-1ce Centaur Siren |
I started messing around with the legs
--and hands -- on this version.
A comment from Hydromancer
led to a quad version.
I made another racer after
finding some parts in Aqua.
SA-1b Siren |
While sorting parts I found some Bar Ball Joint
pieces. This led to another variation on
the hip joint. I also changed the hands
slightly along with adding more attachment
points at the back of the torso.
SA-1g Gremlin Siren |
This led to my wildest variation yet. The Gremlin uses the "+" shaped
Plate instead of the 1x3 Plate and has Bar Clips as the hip joints.
Here's the Hangar topic discussing these builds if you feel like commenting.
Here's the Flickr album as well.
Here's the Flickr album as well.
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