The Central MA gaming group continued to meet this year. We again played eight games together, which is the same as 2022.
I'm down 4 posts from last year but, still maintaining my "at least three posts per week" average for the eleventh year running. This is the third time I've hit the posting "perfect numbers" of 13 per month and 3 per week. I'm now estimating cracking 2,000 posts sometime around the last week of June of 2024. March of 2024 will also be my 12th anniversary of starting this blog.
I managed 85 reviews again this year; 5 Mega Bloks, 6 Miniso, 6 Clone, 12 Make-It Bricks, 12 non-building block, 14 Block Tech, and 30 Lego. That comes out to an average of 7.1 per month. Which is the same as last year -- which I'm still okay with.
I did 7 War College and 20 Terrain Workshop posts this year. Which is an increase in War College posts. I'm hoping to do more of both, I really enjoy talking about MFZ in that way. I even did two Rule Mod posts which is the first time in several years that I've done that.
I'm now at 1.27M views, which is roughly another 223K views since last year. I still have no idea when I'll break 2 million. Thank you to everyone for the continued readership. My Flickr stream is over 5.5 million views which I must thank everyone for as well.
I managed to attend PAX Unplugged this year again. It was great sharing a gaming table with a person from last year, but even better finally sharing the table with someone who'd only observed in the past. It was also great meeting all the new people that were enthusiastic about MFZ and meeting people I'd only interacted with online. I also had a bunch of products for sale for use with MFZ and I hope to have more in the future.
Keep on gaming and I'll see you next year. :-)